SaltyFish(咸鱼云)黑五促销,圣何塞9929/CN2 VPS新购7.8折优惠,$15.2/季起

SaltyFish(咸鱼云)黑色星期五促销活动,美国圣何塞Elite Network和Premium Network VPS新购季付以上7.8折优惠,$15.2/季起,提供500Mbps大带宽,去程是BGP优化链路,Elite Network三网回程走联通CUII AS9929网络,Premium Network三网回程走电信CN2 GIA网络。

TripodCloud high-traffic San Jose CN2 GIA VDS plan, 1Gbps bandwidth with 1.5TB traffic allowance

Old Dog VPS: Reliable as Old Dog! TripodCloud is running a promotion: TripodCloud Yunding Network San Jose VPS 12% Off Annual Payment, CN2 GIA+CU+CM Direct Connect Lines. Here are the high-traffic San

DMIT has launched the San Jose unmetered VPS plan [Standard Unmetered] starting at $44.9/month, with AS4837 for tri-network return connectivity

DMIT has recently launched a new unmetered plan [Standard Unmetered] at the San Jose, USA data center. The routing features tri-network return connectivity through AS4837, allowing for 100% resource u