#4thAnniversary# PQ.Hosting: 14% off on KVM VPS in Hong Kong HE, Ukraine, Russia, and other European locations!

PQ.Hosting is celebrating its 4th anniversary! To mark the occasion, they are offering a 14% discount on KVM VPS in Hong Kong HE, Ukraine, Russia, and other European locations! Hong Kong, Ukraine, Ger

Justhost has recently launched Hong Kong Data Center VPS, offering a 20% discount. The service includes the ability to change IP addresses freely and comes with unlimited bandwidth, starting at $4.16 per month

Old Dog VPS, Steady as an Old Dog! Justhost, a local Russian provider, has primarily operated VPS in Russian data centers. Over the past few months, they have gradually added data centers in Toronto,

ReliableSite:美国服务器,E3 1240/64GB内存/4TB SSD硬盘/不限流量/1Gbps带宽,$59/月,可选洛杉矶/纽约/迈阿密


#春节独家优惠#HostDare:美国洛杉矶CN2 VPS,6.8折优惠,最高可选100M带宽,$24.47/年起

HostDare也发布了针对中国农历新年的促销方案,针对CSSD系列提供32% 的优惠,适用于新订单,半年或更长时间的期限,时间截止为2024年02月28日,主机支持安装Linux或者Windows操作系统,需要的可以围观。 HostDar…

#11.11#HostDare:美国洛杉矶CN2 GIA线路7.5折,最高100Mbps带宽,年付$26.99起,CN2 GIA/CUVIP/CMI线路

HostDare发布了2023年双十一促销活动,针对自家机房的CSSD /CKVM套餐计划提供7.5折促销优惠,针对自家机房的QSSD /QKVM套餐计划提供7折促销优惠,仅适用于新订单!限时优惠!CSSD/CKVM套餐付款周期为季付、半年…

HostDare:美国洛杉矶CN2 GIA线路8折,最高100Mbps带宽,年付$28.79起,CN2 GIA/CUVIP/CMI线路

HOSTDARE发布了2023年10月份促销活动,针对自家机房的CSSD /CKVM/ QSSD VPS 套餐计划提供8折促销优惠,仅适用于新订单!限时优惠!付款周期为半年付、年付、两年付、三年付可享受 20% 的经常性折扣!CSSD套餐,…

#补货#SpartanHost(斯巴达):西雅图VPS,2核/2GB/30G NVMe/3TB/10Gbps带宽,$8/月

SpartanHost10月针对西雅图机房DDoS Protected SSD E5 KVM部分套餐已大量补货,套餐从2核2G内存起,可使用8折优惠码,比如2GB内存套餐折后$8/月,E5-2690v4 CPU,NVMe SSD硬盘,IPv…