UCloud (Youkefu): [U Ambassador Please Check] Recommendation Reward Adjustment Notice

Starting from December 18, 2022, the commission rules for UCloud (Youkefu) U Ambassadors have been adjusted as follows:

1. Effective December 18, 2022, commissionable orders will no longer include online promotional orders.

* Online promotions refer to all online activities on the UCloud official website:

  • Global Promotion Event – Intel
  • Global Promotion Event – AMD
  • Global Promotion Event – Existing Customers
  • Kuaijie Cloud Hosting Series Promotion
  • GPU Special Offer Event

2. Effective December 18, 2022, commission rates will no longer be tiered and will be uniformly adjusted as follows:

For more detailed rules, please visit >> U Ambassador Activities

If you have any further questions, please contact your account manager.

【AD】美国洛杉矶/香港/日本VPS推荐,回程电信CN2 GIA线路,延迟低、稳定性高、免费备份_搬瓦工

【AD】炭云:36元/年/1GB内存/20GB SSD空间/500GB流量/5Gbps端口/KVM/香港/国际线路LUMEN